We are experts in fire safety for buildings

We offer fire safety and technical accessory services

We deal with planning, projects, delivering and constructing,
stabilized and semi-stabilized fire fighting systems, water curtains,
water and sewage pipelines, partialy health technology,
heating and gas pipelines.

We conduct authorized audits, repairs and services of supplied part-constructions according to ordinance 169-2006 z.z.

Constructions and part-constructions

Realization layouts, studies,
documenting of constructions,
technical guidence,
conducting of building inspection,
documentation of issue in facts,
school in operating personnels,
advisory and consultancy services,
audits and repairs

Technical constructions

Fire fighting systems, foam fire systems,
water fire stoppings,
indoor and outdoor fire hydrant mains,
hydrants and hose capstans,
sanitary and sewage construction framings,

We arrange delivery and constuct facilities at new constructions,
as well as reconstructions in its given industry

Technological constructions

Manufacture and help technology facilities,
hot and energetic sources,
distribution of compressed air

Ekological constructions

Sewage pipelines,
compressed stations,
water pipelines,
water resources,
water stations,
water containers

Water curtains and stabilized firefighting equipment

The purpose is not to kill the fire, but rather take control over fire until the arrival of firefighters


Water curtain

The purpose of water curtain is separation of 2 fire compartments. If fire breaks out in a fire compartment, water curtain makes the other fire compartment safe. Fire will not spread out.


Stabilized firefighting equipment

Is used to take control over fire until the arrival of firefighters

Details of water curtain and stabilized firefighting equipment

The purpose of water curtain is separation of 2 fire compartments. If fire breaks out in a fire compartment, water curtain makes the other fire compartment safe.

Controlling of water curtain:
Each water curtain has MAIN TRAP, that closes and opens water flow into water curtain. It must be OPEN always (bar is linear to pipe). This water trap is open always, it can be closed only under reconstruction, simulated tests and failure water curtain.

Behind main trap is manual (trap) or automatic control (electro box) of water curtain. They are usually in a box. If there is no fire, it is always closed. Each water curtain has maual or automatic control. If SWE locates fire in a fire compartment, it gives automatic command, and elektroengine opens water curtain (automatic control) OR
staff discovers fire in a copartment, responsible WC staff pulls trap to linear position of pipeline and calls fire department.

It secures fire in a given section

Controlling of SFE - tap station

Controlling of SFE is fully automatic. Whole SFE system is pressured with water. If fire breaks out, ampulla breaks in sprinkler tube and allows water to flow out. Tap stastion figures out that pressure went down in system and it opens water tap. At the same time it will announce fire alarm.

Assigned persons call fire department, who extinguish fire will reset SFE back to alarm mode.

Our satisfied customers

Šrobárova 2682/50
058 01 Poprad, Slovakia

ICO: 46123903
IC DPH: SK 2023 265 398

Ing. Jaroslav Ganádik
Executive Manager

+421 905 414 063

Ing. Ivan Ganádik
Executive Manager 

+421 907 906 430